Holla everyone.
So last night was Lipstick Jungle's Second Season Premier Party. I had no idea that shows did premiers for their second season. Maybe most don't, but maybe, just maybe, that's what separates LJ from the others... I don't know what I'm talking about. Anywords, it was a surprisingly very enjoyable time. Maybe it was the slight buzz I had from the drinks, or the fact that my amazing girlfriend was there with me alongside one of my great friends Keith Powell to sort of enjoy the ridiculousness that was the party. Constantly feeling like I don't belong, and yet slowly growing to realize everyone probably felt the same exact way. The majority understanding the hilarity of the party.
I also was wondering who most of the people were there. I had NO CLUE who some of them were or even could be. Were they hired extras? It seems no one knew them so I wonder how do they all they get invited to such parties? A lot of them were very young people. What were they doing there? I know what they were physically doing there was just looking around for big-wigs and head-honchos. But who the heck were they all? I mean, it was packed! Packed!
On another note, the hors' deuvres were much better this time around. Last time there were little tidbits of food with no hope for rememberence. Yet this time, there was asparagus tempura, and little lobster thingies on garlic bread-crustinis, and ice-cream balls with a hard chocolate outer shell, and mini-burgers! Mini-burgers!
So on with the real story of the night. In the very beginning of the event, my friend (and colleague) Matt Lauria, his wife Michelle, Megan and I were all lined up waiting... and waiting... and feeling horribly uncomfortable... and waiting to finally go on the red carpet. We unfortunately got there RIGHT after Brooke Sheilds, Lindsey Price, Kim Raver, Robert Buckley, David Nerona, Paul Blackthorne, and Rosie Perez got there. So... we had to wait to attempt to grace the red carpet with our overlooked-incredible presence. As we were waiting and waiting, I looked behind me and saw Andrew McCarthey. He directed the last episode of Lipstick that I was on and he was INCREDIBLY nice and talented. Always had something smart and/or funny to add to a moment. He also walks very distinctly. It's as if every motion he does is just connected very smoothly to the next. It's amazing really. Anyway, I saw him and he waved to me, smiled and said hey, and I responded in like, with a hint more eagerness. I turned to Megan and basically bragged that he noticed me. In my mind I'm thinking, "shit. I should have gone over and shook his hand at least." I tell you all this because of how the night comes full circle. At the very very end of the night, when Megan, Keith and I are all about to leave, we come down the steps and I spot the mini-burgers. I had seen them from afar all night. We were flirting and never coming too close. I saw someone do something goofy, the mini-burgers noticed it too, we looked back at each other and made a funny face and we giggled and awkwardly averted gazes..... Anyway... I finally went up and got one of them with my right hand. In my left hand was a drink. A vodka tonic. I thanked the caterer too much, and was about to gobble the little burglet in my mouth when Andrew McCarthey comes around the corner. He says hi to me again and me, thinking "I can't let him go away again without shaking his hand", had no other choice but to put the entire burger in my mouth and shake his hand. With my burger halfway through and out of my mouth, I tried to muster up the words "hey! Great seeing you! Take care", as he stared, said something like "You too" and went on his way. Such is my awkward life. These moments you see in TV shows or in movies when the awkward nice guy tries to impress people of whom he is impressed ends up making a fool out of himself can also happen in real life.
So that's the jist of the night. Megan was incredible, beautiful and charming as always. I was there, too. It was a very nice night and I surprised myself by how much fun I had.
I came home just in time to watch the Eagles lose in the last minute. Great. I am an Eagles fan. I saw the clips and McNabb did well, until I was able to watch. Maybe it's my fault.
All in all, a very fullfilling night that I am very happy I was coaxed into going to.
To you and yours,