So... the Mets lost tonight... It's not upsetting just simply that they lost. It's upsetting because of the potential they have. The potential they have for going all the way. For accomplishing what they set out to do. Finishing their season the way they intended and started out. It's more of a shame that only the people closest to the Mets - the ones that watch their games, know their players, know the conviction of even their coach - are the ones that see all this potential. They are becoming a young team. A very talented team that is learning their strengths and weaknesses. Other teams out there are very good, of course. The key to the other teams is that they are consistent. They may not always be incredible, but they are also not always terrible. They are consistently adequate or slightly above par enough for them to finish a great season and win the World Series.
They've faltered again this season. This was a season they wanted more than even the season before. More than most other seasons. It was a very special season to prove not only to others, but to themselves. They buckle under the pressure. If they don't make the playoffs again this season, it really is going to be fine. There is always next season and the season after that. They have their entire lives ahead of them.
There are many games. all of them special. all of them build the team up even stronger. even if they falter, they are gaining the strength of soul that they need to succeed when it is the right time. They have played a number of mind blowing games already... and they will continue to do more. true fans will stand beside them. true fans know their intense greatness. and they also know that their team's shine is bright enough to be seen by all. even those who might not be able to know them as well can see their dedication and heart with everything they do....You gotta believe.
I believe, always have. always will.
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