Monday, August 25, 2008

We Are Delaware

I'm in Delaware right now. The up-and-coming State. The State that is slowly being put back on the map... when it was the first state put on the map... and then became one of the easiest to forget. 
Now, thanks to Biden, it's... a step. A step towards people somewhat caring about the little state again. A step towards showing we have more to offer than just tax-free shopping and beaches. A step towards freedom. A step away from being the First State First Forgotten... Today we celebrate our Delaware Day. We Are Delaware. 

I hear crickets outside my window. It feels as though they're welcoming me. With each chirp - "Hey" "Hi" "Seth" "Remember?" "Home." Each chirp so deliberate. This is what they do. This is their nature. Their natural state. 

There must be a way to somehow bypass all that restaurant cooking and go straight into having a show on food network. I don't think I could handle all that stress of making meal after meal and it need to be in such a short amount of time. Performing and cooking for a show would be ideal. Somehow. Someday. A mom and pop store/restaurant/book shop/flower shop. It will all be so. Somehow.

To You who reads my blogs, the one, I love you and your words. Even though I'm worn right now, and my mind is a blur, all that is clear is you.

Warmest Regards
Seth Kirschner

Friday, August 15, 2008

Back by Popular Demand

"You're gonna leave me to write what I already know... to me"

I ate some good Salmon today. Made some with Jerry (my roommate for ya'll that don't know). Along with the juicy salmon, i made a muy caliente salsa. Really muy caliente.
Hey, who here hates the word "juicy"? I do. I not only dislike the word, i mainly hate shirts and short-shorts that only have the word "Juicy" on it. Is that a name brand? Are you implying that it's the condition of whichever body part it's covering? Stop it. Put something on that says "Nice" or "No Need to Show Off" or "I'm Attractive, Yet Respectable".

Today felt like a very nice energy day. I haven't had a strong one in a long while. Just a nice walk-down-the-street-with-a-slight-smile sorta day. Help others with helpful energy.
I went into a grocery today (hey! remember my last blog?!) and was just a-mosying around and picking up a few things here and there. Some Rosemary. No joke. Picked up some Rosemary. Anyway, I went up to the counter to purchase said spice and heard - then saw - a child in a stroller, crying. For some reason i felt the energy to just look at the kid, not intimidatingly or without any pretension, but just calmly and smiling slightly. The kid stopped crying. Then his mother came back and blocked my view of him and his of me, and he started crying again. I leaned slightly around the mother, without her seeing, and made the same style eye contact with him and he stopped crying again. I continued to make eye contact throughout my transaction. Then left and kept an eye on him. As i left his frame, i could hear him start to cry again. Not sure if i really had a power in the matter, but it seemed like something worked. I'm going to try that more from now on. Not just with crying children, but maybe with people that seem like they need some good energy. I won't overstep my boundaries, i promise, but i'll try bit by bit.

Note to self: Never use the USPS to receive a package. Ever. Again. They don't care and don't know a thing. To possible readers: Sorry if you work for USPS or know someone that does, but from my experience, it's been pretty terrible. Use UPS or FedEx.

Do i have any readers other than you?
I'll bet you looked really pretty today.

Well, I'm off to watch either The Muppet Show or Seinfeld to fall to sleep. Goodnight Moon. Goodnight Mogwai.

Best wishes,

Seth H Kirschner

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Clever first Blog Title

There is so much that happens in the world. So much that happens to each and every one of us. Where is the right place to start for an initiative blog?! So many options! So many roads!

Let's start with food

I've been trying my best to eat well lately and trying my best to save money. However, it seems, as it always does, special occasions occur for me to not follow suit to my own ideals. It was the Megnanimous Megan's birthday yesterday, so - of course - i made her a macaroni and cheese from scratch. With extra cheese. Firstly, it was quite a revelation of food history. Secondly, it was loads of cheese to deter me from eating healthily. Which one wins? The revelation. But still, it makes me wonder, will i ever really find the perfect time to just start eating more healthy? Or will i forever revert to my natural instincts and only eat those fatty things that just taste so f'n good? (Can i curse on this thing?) There must be a way to find a happy medium, right?

The way i've figured is i rarely go to a Supermarket anymore. I go to vegetable/fruit groceries nearby that are much more organic and fresh than supermarkets. If i also am getting meat, i'll go to a meat market or a whole foods. Meat markets and groceries are both less expensive and fresher than any supermarkets you'll find. The real prize to get to are farmer's markets. The Union Square one on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays and Sundays (I believe that's all) is crazy good.

Megan and i saw Neil Diamond last night. It. Was. Unbelievable. In so many ways. that man... (is old, first of all). He was amazing. He didn't take a sip of water for at least an hour and a half into the set. And that man was belting a ton of tunes. He was incredible, and the experience was even moreso. Dancing with Meg to Neil up all the way in the top of the bleachers away from all the rest was all that was needed for a perfect night. She is love. What also was great was that we saw Wilco two nights before. I can't even begin to describe how brilliant Jeff Tweedy is. The juxtaposition of the two were great and still loved them both in both the same way, and yet completely different ways... Difficult to express unless even if you've seen them both... in the same week.

Speaking of food and pretty unhealthy but so f'n (again?) well worth it... megan bought me cooking courses for my birthday. A perfect gift from a perfect soul. I HIGHLY suggest everyone buying a course for someone they love from the Institute of Culinary Education for a gift. There's all sorts of courses..... Megan bought me Chocolate Cake and Pasta Lovers. How fucking great is she?! (I said "fucking"!) Go check out the website. So well worth it. You get 5 hours of a course and get to take home what you made, as well as take home all the knowledge and put it forth in your life. I truly think one of the most amazing things in life is being able to create something for someone else to enjoy. What is better than cooking? Everyone needs to eat, so why not enjoy creating something from scratch, eating it and knowing you created this thing all by yourself. It's like a baby.........
You (and usually a partner) join together, with the necessary ingredients, over time it forms something without your full knowledge, and out pops a beautiful baby(lasagna) ready to live it's life/be eaten....
You get the idea... right?

It's late. I feel like this might not have been the right way to start off a blog/reader relationship, but it will get better. I promise.

Best Regards

Seth H. Kirschner