The past 2 days I've had pizza for 3 meals. Why you ask? Because I can. Isn't adulthood great? You can choose to eat ANYTHING you want at anytime! Tomorrow morning, I could wake up, eat an eggroll, a cupcake, and a 6 -pac of small Sunny D bottles if I so chose. Hell, it's cheap! Of course I don't do that often due to me wanting to live and not fall into a complete state of atrophy. But damn, wouldn't that be great? I mean... look at that.

Or that.


Man! Are you kidding me?! That thing exists. Just try it one day. Don't just eat Cheerios or toast every morning. I am not degrading Cheerios in the least. I think they are simple, yummy, and amazing. But imagine having a slice of cake for breakfast. Or some ribs. Or a chicken sandwich. Whatever you might crave that morning. Lo Mein. Go for it. Doing things like that is FINE in moderation. Moderation is key. Eat that cupcake. You deserve it.
1 comment:
they (not sure who 'they' really are, to be honest) say that pizza is actually a VERY healthy breakfast for your early-morning soul. it contains numerous food groups, so havin that slice pizza for your early morning meal = nutritious. good for you! accepted. not strange. NORMAL! really. so you know what seth, you go ahead, dive into that pizza for breakfast tomorrow and ill dive into that jelly donut tomorrow morning. :)
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