The past 2 days I've had pizza for 3 meals. Why you ask? Because I can. Isn't adulthood great? You can choose to eat ANYTHING you want at anytime! Tomorrow morning, I could wake up, eat an eggroll, a cupcake, and a 6 -pac of small Sunny D bottles if I so chose. Hell, it's cheap! Of course I don't do that often due to me wanting to live and not fall into a complete state of atrophy. But damn, wouldn't that be great? I mean... look at that.

Or that.


Man! Are you kidding me?! That thing exists. Just try it one day. Don't just eat Cheerios or toast every morning. I am not degrading Cheerios in the least. I think they are simple, yummy, and amazing. But imagine having a slice of cake for breakfast. Or some ribs. Or a chicken sandwich. Whatever you might crave that morning. Lo Mein. Go for it. Doing things like that is FINE in moderation. Moderation is key. Eat that cupcake. You deserve it.